Monday, November 14, 2016

What are your Children Thankful for? Let Them Tell you with a Leaf Catcher!

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it is time to get your children in the thankful spirit! It is important to teach children at a young age the importance of being thankful for what they have. And an easy way to do that is with a craft, of course!

What you will need:

Leaf stencil/template (I got mine here)

Colored construction paper (Two to three different colors will do)

Embroidery hoop (12 or 14-inch hoop is best)

Yarn (one or two colors)
Begin by wrapping the yarn around the embroidery hoop from top to bottom, left to right, until you have created a nice looking web. Depending on your child’s age, they may be able to help with this step. My preschooler lent me a hand just fine! Cut & tie the yarn off.

Use the leaves stencil or template and trace the leaves onto your colored construction paper. Your children will love this part (just make sure to use kid-friendly scissors!).

Now it is time for your children to do some thinking. Ask your child to name a few things in their life that they are thankful for, and help them write one on each leaf. It is always fun to get a peak into their little brains! For example, my son named:

-Heart (Possibly referring to “love”? Or maybe his healthy heart from his Cheerio intake?😛)

Happy crafting!



  1. I've never been big on arts and crafts but this sure looks like an interesting project a family can get behind!

    It's true that kids nowadays are oftentimes spoiled because of our fast-paced modern culture, and the internet doesn't make things any better with all the pictures and videos of extravagant content. This is a pretty neat way of bonding with your kids so I'll be sure to keep this in mind going forward.

    1. Could not agree more, Adrian! Kids need less screen-time, and more hands-on time!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cute idea! The kids will be so excited to hang this up!

  4. I love this idea and wish I would have seen it sooner. I will definitely keep it in mind for next year! I am not really in to crafting as I do not have the patience for a 3 year old, but my best friend and our babysitter both craft well with kids so this is perfect for them!

  5. It is necessary to teach kids how to gratitude and leaving them with their creativity is a nice idea.
