Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Halloween! Get your Kids Excited for Tricks and Treats with a DIY Halloween Countdown Chain!

"Can I be a fireman for Halloween?"
"Oh wait, no; I want to be a policeman!"
"Mommy, can I be both!?"

If your kid is anything like my toddler, they must be excited for Halloween to finally come (and maybe even a little bad at deciding on one costume J). Nonetheless, it is never too early to get in the Halloween spirit! A paper Halloween countdown chain is a simple, inexpensive craft, that will keep them engaged all the way up to the 31st!

Start with three or so pieces of 8 x 11-inch construction paper (in orange, black, purple, or any “Halloween” color). 

Then, cut them into 2-inch-wide strips.
This is when your little artists can design each chain link however they wish. As you can see, my little guy stuck with his typical scribbles!
After this, simply link them together and hang it up somewhere in sight!

(Here is another great example!)

It may seem like a simple craft, but you would be amazed how excited my son gets every morning to “get closer to Halloween!”.

Now if he can just decide on one costume, we would be set!


  1. I love this, I have a 3 year old and 2 month old and always looking for crafts to keep my high spirited 3 year old entertained. She loved making this but decided to use it as a rope swing an hour after completing but still a great activity for kids!

    1. How great! And a rope swing sounds even more fun! Haha!

  2. I have a very rambunctious 3 year old and this sounds like a great craft to keep her occupied for a few minutes! Hello Christmas Craft!

    1. Good thinking! We will be making a Christmas one shortly as well!
